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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting .:Monday, November 21, 2011:.

He made me understand through the hard way. I'm thankful, for I know my heart. It needs to be stabbed, pounced and stepped on before it can let go. It takes time, but I know I can do it.
Thank you for all the wonderful times. Thank you for letting me like you.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting .:Sunday, January 30, 2011:.

HOT HOT HOT. Feels like i'm in Singapore!

SUPPOSED to go crabbing today, but because of cyclone Bianca (name for the cyclone) plan was canceled, but guess what. BIANCA decide not to come today!!! boooooooooo
and I was so excited about crabbing. :((

Stayed home today, watched a few TV shows, did some art and craft, some cooking, some packing, some cleaning and some jogging. And I smell like fish now.

Looking forward to a full day of paperwork and no patients. NOT.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting .:Saturday, January 29, 2011:.

Lunar new year's like 1 week away, but no qi fen at all! It's my 2nd year celebrating it in Perth, and I really miss my tuan yuan fan. SLURP
I miss the times when we used to go to malaysia, the long road trip, the kampong houses with chickens, the firecrackers, the cousins, the lunch at this particular restaurant, the counting of red packet on the car and comparing them with my bro's etc.
Typing this makes me nostalgic.

Will be having reunion with some peeps on tues and then with the 'family' on wed.

Slacking quite a bit on clinic duties, lots of paper work to do. Patient number declining, and I'm EMPTY on Monday. That's pretty sad. I NEED PATIENTS.

I'm having the urge to splurge again.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting .:Monday, January 17, 2011:.

Happy New Year!!!

So was I was back in Sg for a short 2 weeks break through Christmas and new year. The usual family meet ups and gatherings and a massive celebration with majority of the darlins. HOORAY!

Back to Perth, started clinic the next day and uni the next week and I'm already in 2nd week of uni!! too fast!
about 2 months in clinic now (including the pre-break period) a few ups and downs. Feeling a ted of dreadfulness but I should survive. I will.

updates updates updates

Starting Zumba again! 2nd week now, hopefully it continues.
Thinking if I should go pick up hip hop for 6 weeks.

WHAT!! That's all about my life? booo pretty lifeless i know.

Cervical adjustment getting from bad to worst. :( I need more necks to practice.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting .:Monday, October 25, 2010:.

It's the same old cycle again.
Why can't I just not ask for anything in return?
Why did I have expectations in the first place?
Why am I ever so ready to help you?
Why am I not awake after millions of wake up call?
Maybe, Why can't I get used to it?
Why why why?
Maybe I need a change.

badbad day at clinic today. :(
I should have prepared better, disappointed with myself. Boooo
Ups and down in clinic.
I better love it.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting .:Sunday, October 24, 2010:.

From an email

As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will.
You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too,
so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love
for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone
you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every
sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.
Don't be afraid that your life will end,
be afraid that it will never begin.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting .:Wednesday, September 29, 2010:.

Feeling so lost most nights.
Dislike the uncertainty.
The fear, the emptiness.

Sorry to you.
Someone that will never get to see this.
I guessed it's all good for us now.
You found a friend that treasures you.
Thank you.




anGIe A.k.A angiE thE chOicE
Calin A.k.A caLIn bu!
Chew Yen A.k.a chew yen zi
Chong Hoe A.k.a Gori
Chong Tuck A.k.a coconut
Irvin A.k.a vin vin liao
Jun chin A.k.a JC
Jia Pei A.k.a Bian Bian
Jie Min A.k.a My jie'
Jun Ru A.k.A little ru ru
Kah peng A.k.A my Mum
SAn li A.k.A 2nd sistA..hehe
Kok meng A.k.a samuel , zhi hao etc etc .....
Mr luan A.k.a Luan Luan
Shun Tian A.k.A tiAn tiAn gE
Stella A.k.a La lA
Yu HUi A.K.a baby
