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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting .:Sunday, January 30, 2011:.

HOT HOT HOT. Feels like i'm in Singapore!

SUPPOSED to go crabbing today, but because of cyclone Bianca (name for the cyclone) plan was canceled, but guess what. BIANCA decide not to come today!!! boooooooooo
and I was so excited about crabbing. :((

Stayed home today, watched a few TV shows, did some art and craft, some cooking, some packing, some cleaning and some jogging. And I smell like fish now.

Looking forward to a full day of paperwork and no patients. NOT.

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anGIe A.k.A angiE thE chOicE
Calin A.k.A caLIn bu!
Chew Yen A.k.a chew yen zi
Chong Hoe A.k.a Gori
Chong Tuck A.k.a coconut
Irvin A.k.a vin vin liao
Jun chin A.k.a JC
Jia Pei A.k.a Bian Bian
Jie Min A.k.a My jie'
Jun Ru A.k.A little ru ru
Kah peng A.k.A my Mum
SAn li A.k.A 2nd sistA..hehe
Kok meng A.k.a samuel , zhi hao etc etc .....
Mr luan A.k.a Luan Luan
Shun Tian A.k.A tiAn tiAn gE
Stella A.k.a La lA
Yu HUi A.K.a baby
