No usual steamboats with family, filled with laughter, abalone, yummies and love. No gambling with the usual clique, no collecting of ang bao personally and blessing everyone individually. no shopping madness before CNY, no spring cleaning, no mandarine oranges everywhere, no house visiting, everything's different, different from the way I spent CNY for the past 20 years.
I'm enjoying CNY nontheless, (an excuse to slack from sch work?) reunion dinner with friends and relatives, collected a few ang baos, gambled quite a bit, and losing quite a bit. but in the name of CNY, everything is fun, fun and more fun. gambling during lect, gambling after lect in sch through the night, gambling on weekends!!
I'm enjoying school, except for the few obstacles here and there. Clinic experience's all well, mentor's great, no complain.
Everything's so great i'm afriad, afraid of losing anything.
I've been thinking about something someone told me recently. I'm in no right to comment, but just wanna put down my thoughts here. Is it like what you said or is it just laziness. Wishing you(s) all the best.
I've been quite a hypocrite lately, I hate myself for it, but enjoying it the same. No, i don't treat people I treasure like that. So i'm trying to treasure you as much as you treasure me, I did and still am putting an effort. but I guess I'd dissapointed myself again, by letting L sway me, the temporary bliss pulling me away from F. Sorry.
It's a feeling of blissfullness when someone you love dearly make you feel so loved yet again. It always happen, and I love these friends with all my might.
I'm stubborn, I'm persistent, I'm demanding but all the same you all gave in or guided me. Thank you. Thank you for loving me for who I am.
Introducing the new gambling clique
the 2 main kakis, that never fail to bring lots of laughter with their always evolving tactics.
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